Understanding Capping and Indexing in MongoDB: A Comprehensive Guide

7 min read1 day ago


In MongoDB, efficient data storage and retrieval are key components for ensuring high performance in large-scale applications. Two important concepts that support these goals are capped collections and indexing. This blog will walk you through what capping and indexing are, why they are essential, and how to use them effectively in your MongoDB setup.

Capped Collections: What & Why

Capped collections are fixed-size collections in MongoDB that maintain the insertion order of documents and automatically overwrite the oldest documents when the specified storage limit is reached. Unlike regular collections, capped collections provide a circular buffer-like structure for storing data, ensuring that once the limit is reached, older records are replaced by newer ones.

Why Use Capped Collections?

Capped collections are ideal for scenarios where data is time-sensitive or has a fixed lifecycle, such as:

  • Logging systems: where you want to keep only the most recent logs.
  • Caching: temporary storage for quick data access where older data can be discarded.
  • IoT data streams: to keep only the most recent device readings.

Creating a Capped Collection

To create a capped collection in MongoDB, specify the maximum size in bytes and the maximum number of documents that the collection can hold.

db.createCollection("capped_logs", { capped: true, size: 10000, max: 4})
  • capped: true defines it as a capped collection.
  • size: 10000 sets a size limit for the collection.
  • max: 4restricts the collection to hold a maximum of 4 documents.

Once the limits are reached, MongoDB will start overwriting the oldest entries to make room for new ones.

  • As we write 5th document, it overwrite the 1st document automatically.

Indexing in MongoDB: What & Why

Indexing is one of the most important aspects of optimizing database performance. An index is a data structure that improves the speed of data retrieval operations in a MongoDB collection. Without indexes, MongoDB must perform a collection scan — i.e., examine every document in the collection to find matching records (Filter)— which can significantly slow down queries, especially as your data grows.

Why Do We Need Indexing?

  • Faster Query Execution: Indexes allow MongoDB to retrieve documents faster by reducing the amount of data it needs to scan.
  • Efficient Sorting: Queries that sort documents benefit greatly from indexes as they can retrieve sorted data more efficiently.
  • Better Read Performance: Indexes significantly enhance the performance of read operations by reducing the number of documents MongoDB must examine.

However, it’s important to note that indexes have a cost: they require additional storage space and slow down write operations, as the index must be updated whenever a document is inserted, modified, or deleted.

Types of Indexes in MongoDB

MongoDB supports several types of indexes, each suited for different use cases:

  1. Single Field Index: The most basic type of index, created on a single field.
  2. Compound Index: Indexes created on multiple fields, useful for queries that filter based on more than one field.
  3. Text Index: Indexes on text-based data, used for performing text search.
  4. Hashed Index: Used for sharding a collection based on the hashed value of a field.

Practical Steps for Indexing in MongoDB

Step 1: Creating a Single Field Index

Let’s assume we have a users collection, and we want to speed up queries on the age field. We can create a simple single field index like this:

 db.users.createIndex({ "dob.age": 1 })
  • dob.age: 1 creates an index in ascending order for the age field.

To view the indexes on a collection, use the following command:


This will show you all the indexes currently defined on the users collection, including their types and fields.

Query Optimization with Index

Now, if you run a query like this:

db.users.find({ "dob.age": { $gt: 25 } })

The query will be executed much faster because MongoDB can now use the index on the age field to quickly locate documents that meet the criteria.

Use MongoDB’s explain() method to understand how queries are utilizing indexes and optimize accordingly.

db.users.find({ "dob.age": 30 }).explain("executionStats")
  • Now rather than examine total of 5000 documents, it only examin 94 documents that has age greater than 30.

Step 2: Creating a Compound Index

A compound index is created on multiple fields to optimize queries that filter on more than one field. For example, if you frequently query based on both age and gender, a compound index will significantly improve performance.

db.users.createIndex({ "dob.age": 1, gender: 1 })

This index helps MongoDB efficiently retrieve documents that match both the age and gender fields.

Indexing Options: Unique, TTL, and More

MongoDB offers several powerful indexing options that can further optimize your data access strategy.

1. Unique Index

A unique index ensures that all values for the indexed field are unique. This is particularly useful for fields like email addresses or usernames, where duplicate entries must be avoided.

db.users.createIndex({ email: 1 }, { unique: true })

Now, any attempt to insert a document with a duplicate email value will result in an error, ensuring data integrity.

2. TTL (Time to Live) Index

A TTL index automatically removes documents after a specified amount of time. This is helpful in scenarios where you want to expire documents, such as for session data or temporary logs.

To create a TTL index, apply it to a field that contains a date, like createdAt:

db.sessions.createIndex({ createdAt: 1 }, { expireAfterSeconds: 3600 })
  • expireAfterSeconds: 3600 ensures documents older than 1 hour (3600 seconds) are automatically deleted.

3. Sparse Index

A sparse index only includes documents that contain the indexed field. This is useful when not all documents in the collection have the indexed field.

db.users.createIndex({ phoneNumber: 1 }, { sparse: true })
  • Documents without a phoneNumber field will not be included in the index, saving space and improving efficiency for queries that involve this field.

4. Partial Index

A partial index allows you to create an index on a subset of the collection based on a filter condition. This reduces the size of the index and improves performance for queries that only need a specific subset of the documents.

For example, you can create a partial index on users whose age is greater than 18:

db.users.createIndex({ age: 1 }, { partialFilterExpression: { age: { $gt: 18 } } })

This index will include only the documents where the age field is greater than 18.

When Not to Use Indexing

While indexing can greatly improve query performance, there are scenarios where you might want to avoid creating too many indexes:

  • Frequent Write Operations: Since indexes need to be updated with every write operation, having too many indexes can slow down insert, update, and delete operations.
  • Small Collections: For collections with only a small amount of data, indexing may not provide a noticeable performance boost.
  • Memory Usage: Indexes consume additional RAM. If your system has limited memory, too many indexes can cause performance bottlenecks.

Indexing Best Practices

  • Choose the right fields: Not all fields need an index. Only index fields that are frequently queried or used in sorting.
  • Limit the number of indexes: While indexes boost read performance, they slow down writes. Keep a balance based on your application’s needs.
  • Monitor index usage: Use MongoDB’s explain() method to understand how queries are utilizing indexes and optimize accordingly.


Both capped collections and indexing play crucial roles in enhancing the performance of MongoDB. Capped collections are useful for fixed-size data storage scenarios, while indexing optimizes data retrieval and sorting for read-heavy applications. However, understanding when and how to use indexing is key to ensuring that your MongoDB setup runs efficiently without unnecessary overhead.

